Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is more a list for myself than anyone else, but if you want, check them out! I will make some comments later on the books, but here it is as I can remember it. It isn´t really in a chronological order of when I read them, but more or less this is what I´ve been reading:

1. Lucia, Lucia: I got this book from the free pile in Castro and thought it was a bit ridiculous. It is about a girl who is really into fashion in the early 1900s or something like that. It was still fun to read though.
2. Wuthering Heights: This book took me forever to get through and wasn´t as good as I´d expected it to be, but it was on my book list for so long I really wanted to read it. The story line is good once you get into it.
3. Little Women: I read the condenscened version which was fun. The first time I read it was in like 5th grade when I felt I needed to read it in order to be prepared for middle school...who read Little Women in school nowadays?! haha
4. How to Dissappear Completely: a book I put onto my Kindle and loved so much I read it in one morning!
5. Harry Potter, in Spanish: Much more fun to read this book in Spanish than some of the classic literature I read in Berkeley!
6. El Principito, the Little Prince, in Spanish: Robyn recommended it and it was a fun child´s book to read to practice my Spanish.
7. The Appeal: grabbed it at a book exchange and found it quite interesting. John Grisham is a well-known author and I liked his writing.
8. Dear John: Oh Nicholas Sparks, how Robyn loves you. The book was fun but a bit of a downer, as was the movie.
9. Mister God, This is Anna: Yup this book is about a 6 year old girl, named Anna, and her ponderings about God, a bit philosophical.
10. The Stone Diaries: another downer about a woman´s life in the early 1900s who has a bit of a dreary life.
11. The Plain Truth: Jodi Picoult! Love it! About the Amish community.
12. The Hitchiker´s Guide to the Galaxy: One of my new favorites. Very fun and witty.
13. Vanishing Acts: Another Jodi Picoult that was my second time reading it and still enjoyed it very much.
14. The Nanny Diaries: Another re-read and another fun one.
15. Alice in Wonderland: A quick read on my Kindle, now I want to see the movie!
16. The Translator: About a translator from Darfur who tells his family´s story and his perspective on the conflict in Sudan, very serious and thought-provoking.
17. The Final Reckoning: I grabbed this at the hostal in Loja because it was the only semi-OK looking book (yup, totally judging a book by its cover) and I was SO impressed. It was a fabulous storyline and a super fun read. The review said: "Compulsive reading, better than The Da Vinci Code" and it wasnt lying!!

Currently Reading:
1. Anna Karinana: hope to finish it before leaving South America!

Tried but didn´t finish:
1. How Stella Got Her Groove Back: Sorry Stella, couldn´t help ya get your groove back. Your style of writing is too much for me.
2. No Country for Old Men: Way serious and bloody. Maybe the movie is better, as I´ve been told?
3. Three Junes: Boring...
4. Bad Girl: a book set in Peru, written by a Peruvian author, originally in Spanish, but it is dry. Its a long, drawn out romantic novel with a pretty negative undertone, I dont recommend it.

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